The Dispatch Center/Branches feature in Masters is used in two ways:
To add a branch, go to Masters - click on Dispatch Center/Branches - click on Add Branch
1- Name:
Enter a name for the Dispatch center/Branch that helps you differentiate between locations
2- Type:
There are 3 types of Dispatch centers/Branches that you can select i.e Office & Dispatch Center, just an Office, or just a Dispatch Center
Office & Dispatch Center should be selected if the particular branch is used for both bookings as well as to set up employee and customer accessibility.
Office should be selected if the particular Branch is only used as Office. This location will not be visible while creating a booking.
Dispatch center should be selected if the particular branch is used as a dispatch center. It is to be chosen while creating a booking to calculate garage to garage distance calculations.
3- Phone Number:
Enter the location phone number for your internal use
4- Address:
Enter the address for your internal use
5- City of operations:
If you want to limit the visibility of this particular dispatch center to only be visible while creating a booking for a specific city, select the city here.
Example: While creating bookings for Pune city, if you want the system to show this dispatch center in the bookings page, you should enter Pune here.
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