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    Multiple ways to manage allotment

    Learn how to manage duty allotment effectively and conveniently.

    There are five different types of allotment covered in this article

    1. Allotment to own vehicles and drivers
    2. Allotment to company suppliers manually
    3. Allotment to DCO supplier manually
    4. Allotment at Booking Level
    5. Allotment to Network Suppliers

    Let’s look at the steps for each type of allotment below:

    1. Allotment to own vehicles and drivers

    To get started, go to Duties - click on a duty - In the duty listing, place your cursor on the Booked label and it will turn into a green button that reads Allot - Click on Allot and under My Vehicles select your vehicle and driver.

    If the vehicle has an assigned driver, it will not show the driver pop up.

    2. Allotment to company suppliers manually

    Click on the green Allot button on a duty listing - click on My Suppliers - click on a company supplier - click on the Add details button on the duty listing - here you can manually enter the details of the driver and vehicle that will perform the duty (if you have previously allotted duties to the company supplier, you can choose the vehicle and driver without having to enter details manually.

    You can assign cities to suppliers in Masters - Suppliers- under Booking/Duties settings - Limit ability to allot booking to these cities. Only the suppliers assigned to that city will be visible while allotting a duty in that city.

    3. Allotment to DCO supplier manually

    Click on the green Allot button in a duty listing - Click on My Suppliers - Click on a supplier with the DCO/ Attached label - If a DCO has been allotted, the duty listing will show the Allotted label.

    4. Allotment at Booking Level

    You can allot all the duties in a booking to a driver and vehicle with a single action by going to Operations - Bookings - Click on a booking - Click on the Large Gear Icon next to Edit - Click on Allot all Duties. You can allot the booking to Suppliers and DCOs by going to the My Suppliers tab in the allot booking pop-up window.

    5. Allotment to Network Suppliers:

    Click on a supplier name in the allotment pop-up window. You will see a pop-up window that shows you the details that will be sent to your network supplier. Click on Send booking request to allot the booking. Your network supplier will be notified of the booking and can then accept or reject the booking.

    Once a driver or supplier is allotted to a booking or duty, it moves to the Allotted tab. From the allotted tab, you can click on the Send Info button on a booking or duty listing to send the booking details to your driver or supplier.

    There may be times when you need to change the allotment of a duty or booking. In such a situation, you can click on the small gear icon in a duty or booking listing then click on Re-allot. You can also click on Change driver to change the allotted driver for the duty.

    In case you want to clear the allotment completely, click on the small gear icon and then click on Clear Allotment . This will clear the current allotment and move the booking back to the Booked tab.

    You can also allot duty supporters to a duty by clicking on the small gear icon and then on Add supporters . To add supporters, simply click on the supporter to be added to the duty in the popup window and then on Allot supporter.

    Note: You can learn more about Duty Supporters by reading this article here.

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