    • Nothing

    How to create and setup feedback forms

    This article will take you through the steps of creating and using Feedback Forms.

    A feedback form is a vital part of the customer relationship which can help you understand the experience your customers are having with your car rental services. You can create a single feedback form that can be used for all customers or you can customize feedback forms for each customer.

    Feedback forms can be sent to the passenger via SMS, WhatsApp and Email once a duty is completed.

    How to create a feedback form?

    Go to Masters - Feedback Forms - Add Feedback Form

    How to setup and create feedback forms

    1- Name (for your internal use):

    Since you can create multiple forms, the name entered here can be used to identify the form. Its details will only be visible to you and your team

    2- Display name (visible to your customer):

    The name entered here will be visible to your passenger when they receive the feedback form on SMS/WhatsApp/Email

    3- Description (visible to your customer):

    Add a friendly request that would motivate your passenger to provide feedback to you.

    4- Active:

    While managing multiple forms, if you would like to disable the use of a particular feedback form, you can leave this box unchecked.

    Building your feedback form

    Once your feedback form is created, click on the form name in the listings to start building the feedback form.

    How to setup and create feedback forms

    Click on the form - Add Field - Enter Question you want to ask the customer - Add a description to help the customer understand the question better - Select the format for your answers - Click on Save

    Field Type has multiple Selections :

    • Single line Text
    • Multiline Text
    • Select
    • MultiSelect

    Allows your Customer to write their feedback in a single line

    Select has two types

    Enable your passenger to select a response from the drop down menu.

    You can add the choices in the ‘Options’ section, using a comma to separate them.

    MultiSelect has two types:

    Similar to select, enable your passenger to select a response from the drop down menu. Here the user can select multiple options.

    You can make a question mandatory which will force the user to answer before submitting the form. Keep the Required checkbox checked to make it compulsory to answer the question before submitting the form.

    An in-active question will not be shown in the form when sent to the customer.

    How to assign a default feedback form to all customers?

    A default feedback form for all customers can be set at a Business Settings level, to be shared by default via SMS/WhatsApp or Email once a duty is completed.

    Go to Me - Business Settings - Others - Default Feedback Form - Select the form you want all your customers to get once a duty is completed

    How to assign a default feedback form for a specific customer:

    Go to Masters - Customer - Click on the customer listing - EDIT - Default Feedback Form

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