    • Nothing

    Driver Manual for Indecab Go Driver App

    This article will guide you through steps on how to use the Driver App.

    How to setup Indecab Go Driver App?

    Indecab Go Driver App is for your driver only and is available on the App store, click here to download: Download Now

    Enter your phone number and password provided to you and click on Login

    Click here on Allow all the time, this will allow the app to track your duty

    Click on Allow for physical activity, by doing this your phone live location will be visible under ‘Location Tracking’ to the company

    Above permissions are compulsory to start using the app, check our Battery optimisation settings and refer to the settings under your mobile model: Driver phone battery settings for Indecab Go Driver App

    How to start a duty?

    Click on the duty

    Enter the start speedo-KM once the passenger is seated in the vehicle - click on Start Duty

    Note: By clicking on 'Accept Duty' it wont start the duty. This indicates that you will perform the duty and can be selected before passengers arrival to confirm availability, to start a duty click on 'Start'

    Once the duty starts the map and marker indicate your duty is being tracked, to stop a duty enter the end speedo-KM once you reach the end location - click on Stop

    After stopping duty - give the device to passenger to confirm speedo-KM, provide rating and signature - click on Save

    Once passenger has given signature - under Billing items select the Billing item spent while performing duty - enter the amount spent - click on 'Submit'.

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