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    Understanding the Suppliers Section

    Learn about the utility of the Masters-Suppliers section and how you can use it.

    Suppliers, also commonly known as 'vendors', are people or companies from whom you acquire vehicles and those who provide services to you.

    There are two types of suppliers:

    1 - Driver cum owners (DCO)/Attached:

    These are suppliers/vendors that own and operate a single vehicle. When a duty is allotted to this supplier type, the vehicle details will be automatically updated as per what is entered in the Masters-Suppliers section of this DCO.

    While creating a profile you will be able to choose whether this is a DCO Driver cum owner profile

    DCO will be visible in the supplier listing

    Tip 1: If you work with a company that has 5 or fewer vehicles and the drivers-vehicle combination is always the same, you can create all 5 drivers as 'Driver cum owners (DCO)' and group them together using a supplier group. This will help you view and export all duties allotted to the DCOs in one go with a supplier group search.

    You can read more about Supplier Groups in this article here.

    Tip 2: If you would like to use the Indecab go - Driver app to digitize duty slips you will need to create each supplier as a Driver cum owner (DCO).

    2 - Company:

    This is to be used for suppliers that have multiple vehicles and drivers. While allotting to this supplier type, vehicle and driver details can be added directly during allotment and do not need to be stored in the masters.

    Once you create a supplier profile you will be able to choose Company in Type

    Learn how to create suppliers in this article here

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