Company profiles are used to display default information on invoices and in emails.
When an invoice is generated, the terms and conditions displayed on the invoice and the bank details shown on it depend on the company profile selected for the invoice.
This article will take you through how to setup and use company profile
To create a new company profile go to Masters - My Companies - Click on Manage Company Profiles - Click on the blue Add Company Profile Button.
1: Name: The name of the company profile
2: Bank account: Select the bank account to be associated with this company profile. Bank accounts can be created in Masters - Bank Accounts.
Note: The details of the bank account selected here will be displayed on the invoice for payments from your customers.
3: Email Signature: This will be the email signature used for all emails sent by the company that this company profile is associated with.
4: Invoice terms and conditions: These will be the terms and conditions displayed on the invoice when this company profile is selected.
Once you have created a new company profile, you will be able to associate that with a new or existing company.
To add a new profile to an existing company, go to Masters - My Companies - Click on the edit button under that company - Scroll to the bottom and set the profile from the drop-down menu - click on Save Changes.
Once you have setup your company profiles, you can use it to display customized terms and conditions on your invoices as well as display your preferred bank details.
Go to Operations - Billing - click on an invoice - Scroll to the bottom and view bank details as well as terms and conditions
Note: If you have multiple bank accounts associated with company profiles you can change the details displayed on the invoice by using company profile.
Go to Operations - Billing - click on an invoice - Edit - scroll to the bottom - Next to Using Profile click on Change - Then select the preferred company profile for the invoice.
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