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    How to create a carbon emissions report

    Learn how to create a carbon emissions report to keep track of the environmental footprint of your company’s car travels.

    Car rental companies play a significant role in the transportation industry. As concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability continue to grow, companies are enforcing policies to address their carbon emissions and adopt more eco-friendly practices. This has led to a greater need for carbon emissions reports within the car rental industry.

    What is the formula to calculate CO2 per kg?

    Total KM x conversion factor

    Conversion factor:

    Petrol = 0.17431

    Diesel = 0.16843

    EV = 0.05477

    CNG = 0.17431

    How to set up Co2 calculation?

    a) While setting up My vehicles:

    Calculation will take place based on the fuel type that has been setup. Go to Masters - My Vehicles - Click Edit on a vehicle listing - under Fuel Type select the fuel used by the vehicle

    b) While setting up a DCO Supplier:

    Go to Masters - Suppliers - Under the section Details -Driver cum owners DCO/Attached, set the correct fuel type

    c) For a Company Supplier:

    Set the correct Fuel Type after Allotting a Duty - Click on Add Details on an allotted duty and enter the Fuel Type

    Tip: For supplier duties, you can export data from Purchase Duties/Invoices section as well. If you have updated Fuel Type after a duty is completed, the calculation will not reflect.

    How to generate a carbon emissions report?

    Based on the Total KM and fuel type mentioned, the correct calculation as per the formula of CO2 per kg as mentioned above will be visible in your report.

    Go to Duties - Click on the top right gear icon and select Export Duties - Enter details in filter, select date range - Under Status select Completed/Billed- Select the columns you require - Select Vehicle Fuel Type and Vehicle Co2 per kg - Click on Get Statement/View/Export

    Note: To get data of a Supplier Vehicle’s CO2 per kg, please select the Supplier Name while exporting. You can acquire this data from the Purchase Duties section as well.

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