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    How to add a monthly booking

    Learn how to create monthly bookings for use in Indecab.

    There are 2 types of monthly bookings that you can create:

    1- Long duration total km and total hours

    2- Long duration total km and daily hrs

    To understand how to setup these duty types, read this article on Duty Types here

    How to create a monthly booking?

    Please ensure that you have entered the correct pricing in your Masters - Customers section. You can also enter the pricing manually while creating a booking.

    To enter pricing in Masters - Customers, click on a customer listing - under Custom pricing - enter the pricing for base rate, extra KM and extra HR

    How to enter rates while creating a booking?

    You can also enter the base price, extra hr and extra km rate when entering the booking details while creating a new booking.

    For a monthly booking duty type, the base price will be the total price for the maximum number of days in the Duty Type, extra hour charges will as per extra hour charges specified in the package and extra km charges will be as per the extra km charges specified in the package

    While creating a monthly booking, enter the exact Start Date and End Date of the booking and click on Book. This will display each day in the booking as an individual duty.

    Managing Monthly Bookings

    Once a monthly booking is created, you can manage the booking from the Operations - Bookings section.

    A monthly booking can be allotted on a day-to-day basis to different drivers/suppliers or at once to the same driver for the entire month.

    Go to the duty and click on allot for each duty or click on the top right gear icon and select Allot all duties then select a driver/supplier

    Once all duties have been allotted, you can manage the booking just like any other booking.

    With the monthly booking duty type, you have the option to skip duties if required. You can use this on days when duties have not taken place, like weekends or public holidays.

    To skip a duty, click on a booking - Click on a duty listing - use the small gear icon and click on Skip Duty.

    Note: Each duty has to be closed individually. The total amount for each duty with extra charges will be visible once you generate an invoice.

    Tip- There is another method for creating invoices for a monthly booking in case you do not want to enter the opening and closing details of each duty. Read more about it in this article here - How to create an invoice for a monthly booking

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